explicanto by Beck et al. Services GmbH > explicanto Open Source Project

explicanto's Mission Statement

Knowledge – the true success factor

A company’s success greatly depends on one factor: Knowledge.

It is vital that employees properly understand internal processes and applications to work efficiently. They need accurate and in-depth information about the company’s products so that the best possible business success can be achieved. Only with sufficient know-how will they be able to provide high-quality service. By following this principle, any company with an efficient knowledge exchange and training will always be one step ahead of the competition.

However, this challenge is enormous: New competitors are constantly entering global markets. Product life cycles are becoming shorter. Laws are continuously changing. Thus, if a business wants to overcome today’s challenges, it will need to implement an efficient knowledge transfer process.

Know-how transfer should not become a one-way process. It is important to ensure that information is understood correctly. The costs and benefits of investing in a sufficient knowledge transfer process must be measured continuously.

What is a Best-Practice for turning the success factor knowledge into performance?

explicanto will provide the solution. It is designed to elevate knowledge to the optimum, and is customized to meet your exact individual business needs.

explicanto helps to capture, transform and distribute knowledge in a quick, efficient and organized way. Moreover, this is performed independently of time and place.

The Closed-Loop feedback process allows for monitoring of the critical success factors in knowledge delivery and acceptance. Therefore, explicanto will ensure that your business remains competitive.