explicanto Authoring Platform Server Documentation
explicanto Developer Documentation for the Server of the Authoring Platform
How to build the Explicanto Client
To build the Explicanto Authoring Client you have to cover the folowing steps.
Fetch the project from explicanto svn (trunk/authoring/client/ExplicantoClient)
The explicanto Authoring client is a RCP (Rich Client Plaform) application developed using Eclise IDE and you need to have Eclipse 3.1 (or higher) installed in order to build it. You can download it from External ref
ATTENTION! The ExplicantoClient it is NOT compatible with any Eclipse version above 3.1.1. If you wish to run it on newer versions you'll have to do some changes in the code (no support offered yet).
Import the ExplicantoClient project into the eclipse workspace.
All the necessary external libraries must be added. If you already have the server dependencies then most of them are already present. These have to be copied into the lib folder of the project and are the folowing:
- activation.jar
- commons-logging.jar
- jax-qname.jar
- jaxrpc-api.jar
- jaxrpc-impl.jar
- jaxrpc-spi.jar
- log4j.jar
- mail.jar
- plastic-1.1.2.jar
- saaj-api.jar
- saaj-impl.jar
- xerces.jar
- xml-apis.jar
- itext.jar
- namespace.jar
Additionaly you will need the xored library used to edit html content. It can be requested from xored.com. Currently the website is under construction, the link will be updated asap. You will have to copy the files into your Eclipse's features and plugins folders and restart Eclipse.
If all these libraries don't appear in the project class path then they
must be manually added using Java Build Path of the projects properties.
The folowing screenshot shows how the libraries should look like:
In the root of the project there is the explicanto.properties file witch contains the address of the Explicanto Server. Modify this for the server's location
You can run the Explicanto Client with Run->Eclipse Applicantion feature or you can export the project with Export->Deployable plugins and features and run it externaly
- Specify for each library a minimal version and how to get it
- Explain ExplicantoClientFeature usage (optional, for webstart)
- Write a hacking howto